
You can explore my complete job history on LinkedIn.

This resumé is a blend of the technologies I've worked with and includes links to articles about projects where I've used these skills. I hope you find it helpful!


Right now, my main focus is on data engineering. I also have a lot of experience with backend development of web applications. Occasionally, I do frontend for small projects or just for fun (like this website).


basics: numbers, bools, conditions, strings, comparisons, lists, loops, tuples, dicts, sets, classes

advanced: list/dicts comprehension, iterators, generators, fixtures, decorators

libs: datetime, unittest, pytest, os, sys, dataclasses, abc, itertools, functools, json, re, logging, pathlib, csv, math

complex libs: flask, requests, pandas, numpy, pygame, pillow, sqlalchemy, asyncio, turtle, reportlab

style: flake8, isort, black, pylint

to learn list: metaclasses, celery, ruff


Starting projects, managing app, URL routing, design models, views, migrations, templates, forms, authentication, i18n.

I've built an in-production CRM for small business by myself.

to learn list: middleware, django REST framework, signals


commands: init, clone, pull, push, commit, rebase, branch, merge, checkout, stash, log, diff, remote, squash

storage: GitHub, Gitlab, bitbucket

to learn list: hooks, cherry-pick, reflog, submodules


Functions, arrays, objects, conditionals, loops, DOM manipulation, event handling.

I've written several short scripts that work with the DOM on web pages.

libs: jQuery, Swiper, p5

to learn list: ES6+ features, single page apps frameworks


I've primarily relied on fundamental SQL queries in my work. From time to time, I've designed databases with no more than 20 tables.

I usually work with SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB.

I've also met ElasticSearch, Redis or Aerospike at work.

to learn list: get more familiar with caching and in-memory DBs.

operations & cloud

I have more of a developer background in this area. I have never designed larger architectures or installed systems, and that is not my goal either.

I built a bare-metal home NAS where I run several services, primarily using Docker.


Working with containers, writing dockerfiles, using docker-compose to connect multiple services in a single environment.


Rudimentary understanding of node, service, job, cronjob and pod principles. Deploy containers to kubernetes, writing manifests, checking pods and logs.

Using tools like kubectl and k9s.


Creating and editing simple actions on GitHub, Gitlab or Jenkins.


A new field for me. I'm learning the basics. IAM, Lambda, SNS, EKS. I'm learning to write configurations in Terraform.